Signs Casual Drinking Has Turned Into A Problem
Drinking alcohol is commonplace in American culture, and people do it for a variety of reasons. Some people have a beer after work to de-stress, while others take shots with friends at parties. For most people, drinking is a casual and occasional occurrence. In other cases, it becomes a severe addiction that requires treatment.
How can you tell the difference between the two? These signs may tell you that you might have a problem you should seek residential addiction treatment for.
You Are At Risk
Some people are at higher risk for alcohol addiction than others. For example, if you have a history of alcoholism in your family, you are at higher risk. Individuals with emotional or mental health issues may also be at higher risk. Assess how much you drink when you are feeling, for example, the symptoms of anxiety or depression. The risk factors might tell you something.
Your Drinking Affects Your Life
If you notice that drinking has affected your life negatively, you might have a problem. For example, let's say you cancel breakfast with your parents because you wanted to stay home and drink by yourself. Or perhaps you decided to call in sick to work several times this year because you were hungover. These are signs you have a problem.
Another indicator you have a problem is if your drinking prompts you to act out in ways not characteristic of your personality. For example, you might start fights when you drink excessively, damaging your relationships with friends and family members. You might even black out when you drink a lot, not realizing what you did the night before until somebody tells you.
You Need to Drink More
If you notice that you require more alcohol to feel the same loss of inhibitions, you might be doing more harm than good to your body. You may find yourself drinking more at a higher pace just to achieve the same feeling.
Additionally, you might notice that you feel withdrawal symptoms when you stop drinking. Withdrawal symptoms include shaking, sweating, nausea, irritability, and headaches. Your body is essentially telling you it needs more alcohol.
You Feel Ashamed
Do you ever feel ashamed of how much you are drinking? Do you neglect to tell people how much you drink on purpose? This problematic feeling may indicate something serious to you.
If your drinking is beginning to frighten you, treatment might be your next best option. Call a rehabilitation specialist today to learn more about the possibilities of recovery.